Hand Sanitizer, How to Select?

With the lock down restrictions on COVID-19 easing out,all
are in the look out to buy sanitizers and disinfectants .They have become need
of the hour products and the market is filled with umpteen choices. Unless
there is clarity on what composition is expected of a hand sanitizer we may
land up buying the wrong product.Let me throw some light on it.

Even before that a few basic questions answered

What is a hand sanitizer?

Hand sanitizer is in the form of a liquid or a gel and is used to kill germs present on hands within 30 sec of its contact. Liquid sanitizers are preferable as they establish best contact when compared to gels.However, when it needs to be carried gel type hand sanitizers can be used for convenience of  portability.

How does it work?

With the lock down restrictions on COVID-19 easing out,all are in the look out to buy sanitizers and disinfectants .They have become need of the hour products and the market is filled with umpteen choices. Unless there is clarity on what composition is expected of a hand sanitizer we may land up buying the wrong product.Let me throw some light on it. Even before that a few basic questions answered

Different compositions of hand sanitizer on sale.

As per the recommendation of WHO two formulations are available

Formulation 1 – Ethanol 80%, Hydrogen peroxide, Glycerol and sterile/distilled water.

Formulation 2Isopropyl alcohol 99.8%,Hydrogen peroxide ,glycerol,Sterile/distilled/ water.

Why hand sanitizer?

In the current pandemic situation sanitizing our hands after touching common touch points, or after touching outdoor areas like car door handles, tying shoe lace,receiving money (change) from shops etc. is a mandate to keep us safe.

Hand sanitizer-who were the original users?

Originally it was introduced for use in medical settings where exposure to germs is high and repeated washing with soap and water was cumbersome.

Who should be using Hand sanitizer NOW?

With the whole world under the grip of COVID 19, hand hygiene is the first and most important step to be followed in preventing the disease in addition to social distancing. It is a mandate for anyone moving out of their home.

How to choose a Hand sanitizer?

Choose hand sanitizers that have alcohol concentration in the range 60-95%; more the concentration more efficiently it works.Concentrations lower than 60% do not do well in killing many germs and will at the most be able to reduce the growth of germs rather than killing them.
Check the label for concentration to be sure, else drop, it wouldn’t help much.

Vooki Hand Sanitizer from Pon Pure Chemicals has been formulated according to WHO recommendation and has the required amount of alcohol to kill 99.9% germs.Approach us for bulk quantities; smaller quantities ranging from .5L to 200L can be purchased on our e-commerse portal ibuychemikals.com